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Come to the Arb for our Winter Nature Camp. We have so many fun activities planned including: Winter Bird watching & feeding, Snowshoeing
Winter animal tracking, Science Experiment Day, Snowflakes, Snowballs & Snowman Building
Kids can be dropped off at 7:45AM and must be picked up at 3:00PM.
Please send a lunch for your child.
This is for children grades 2-6
$25 per day/ Members
$30 per day/ Non-members
***You may sign up for one day or all three***
Advanced Registration Required – Class Fee is Non-Refundable
Thank you for supporting the Arboretum!


Northland Arboretum
14250 Conservation Dr
Baxter, MN 56425
+ Google Map
(218) 829-8770
View Venue Website

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